Five Creeks Flood Protection - West Vancouver

June 29, 2021

The Five Creeks Flood Protection - PHASES 1 and 2 work consisted of the supply and installation of approximately 2.1 km of various sizes of concrete and HDPE storm pipe ranging from 900mm to 1800mm diameter. This project also includes 5 cast-in-place creek intake structures and diversion chambers with weights in excess of 40,000 LBS and excavations approximately 4-6m in depth.

The project alignment was running parallel with the Trans-Canada Highway as well as through urban streets in the West Vancouver corridor. Works required coordination with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

The trenchless feature on this project also includes a 60-meter trenchless crossing of the TransCanada Highway with a 1800mm diameter 38mm thick steel casing pipe, which is underway.

Complete Utility Contractors partnered again with the Tunnelling Company for this work. Installation of the trenchless shaft was completed next to the highway traffic.

The majority of the pipeline on this project required the removal of bedrock and sandstone to facilitate the installation of the pipeline. In order to provide a corridor for the large diameter storm diversion pipe there were several municipal water and sewer mains and services that had to be relocated as well as two abandoned FortisBC mains.

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10141 201 St., Langley, BC, V1M3Y5

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